Phase 1 of Flatiron

I'm wrapping up phase 1 of the Software Engineering Live course at Flatiron School this week. We've learned a lot about not only JavaScript but also a bit about ourselves.

  • I learned that I learn differently than others and I've had to adapt a lot

  • I've learned that I need to take breaks but also keep an eye on my time management

  • I've learned that I am very much a tired person and caffeine is tricky for me due to anxiety

  • another thing is anxiety, that's been difficult to deal with through the code challenges

  • I've learned that this is something that frustrates me but I love it

  • I've learned that so far, I do not like front-end

  • I've learned that Google is my best friend

  • I'm still learning how to use Git and GitHub, which can be tricky

  • I'm learning how to work with others on code in general

I'm coming up on a difficult time of the year for me and it's feeling more and more difficult to get stuff done successfully and in a timely manner because I have to give myself some grace from time to time. My brain is flooded with family coming to town, anxieties, this difficult time for me, and last but not least, coding.

When they said that it's called a BootCamp for a reason, they weren't kidding about that, but I know that I can make it, I just have to work a little harder than others right now

I did learn a lot about JavaScript though, like arrow functions, fetch requests, and all-around basics, also the fact that I'm not fond of JavaScript, as much as I used to be at least.

Thankfully, I've had a lot of support, not only from friends and family but also from my instructors and my classmates. The Flatiron community is really starting to feel like a family to me, which is why I need all the hopes and prayers (even if you're not religious) to pass this coding challenge that's coming up.

I will keep you updated on my progress as time goes on, and for now, please continue to wish me luck on this adventure.